Above is an advertisement that I was asked to design for nielsen brandbank for one of their 2021 blog posts on Linkedin. Nielsen provided me with the dimensions and copy for this ad. I used website assets and adobe Photoshop to complete it.

Here is an assortment of Instagram and facebook stories and main page posts for Campus Brewing Company in West Sacramento, California. These ads were created using a combination of Adobe Express and Adobe Photoshop.
When working with food or art vendors and musicians, I would get sent press packages of photos, logos, and information that they would want me to use in my designs. For any other ads that included photos of people, the brewery or beer, i would take those photos myself. I spent a lot of time at the brewery shooting photos to use for ads. here's a fun fact: The astronaut in the spaceman ad is me.

For certain events at campus brewing, I would have to design ads in a variety of sizes for different social media platforms and sometimes for print. I would use adobe Express to design these ads as the resizing feature helps save design time for other projects.

This collection is a small assortment of the beer descriptions that I was working on for Campus brewing's social media channels and their website. The brewery's name came from two ideas: it's location between two college campuses (university of California, Davis and Sacramento State University) and that brewing classes were offered to the public. The owners wanted me to focus on highlighting the beer in a way that reflected the theme of a college campus. Before my bartending shifts would start, I would head to the brewery a few hours early to take photos of the beer using the chalkboard as a prop. Then after-hours or during my slow shifts, I would use adobe photoshop to edit the images and add in the chalk-like text on the chalkboard.