Campus Brewing/Pizzasaurus Rex Brand Collaboration Proposal

When I was the Social Media Manager at Campus Brewing Company, I was asked to create a visual proposal for a potential collaboration between the brewery and a very popular local pizza shop, Pizzasaurus Rex. I presented the above collaborative branding ideas to both businesses.
Sacramento New Leader's Council Fundraiser Ad

Orignal submission

Final product
For this project, the Sacramento chapter of the New Leader's Council (NLC) asked me to create a social media ad for an upcoming fundraiser they were planning to throw. They asked for it to be in three sizes: LinkedIn blog post, Instagram square post and an Instagram story post.
The original prompt I received asked to include the NLC logo and the general information for the event, leaving me with a lot of freedom.
After sending in my initial design, I was asked to change the logo to the Sacramento chapter version, and include an rsvp link.
For the final design, I ended up changing the background color to match the updated logo colors and resized the text to insure that the link was easily readable. After these edits, the client was very happy with the final result.
Kisatchia-Delta Regional Planning & Development Louisiana Fact Sheet Project

This project was for the Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning & Development District based in Louisiana. The Economic Recovery Fellow that I was working with asked me to use Canva to create a series of 8.5" x 11" fact-sheets using graphics to illustrate information on 8 different Louisiana Parishes. I was asked to research information on the demographics, economy, education, energy and environment, health and human services, housing, and transportation and infrastructure for those parishes. For continuity purposes, each fact sheet packet is the same. The client gave me a 2 week deadline for this project and wanted me to create it on Canva so that when the data changes over the next few years, it can be easily updated in-house.